English is undoubtedly, the global language. It allows you to broaden your world, from job opportunities to business expansion and vacations. Today, when the world is becoming increasingly smaller and we come across people from different languages, English is one language that helps us connect with anyone. Learning English has manifold advantages.
Here are some tips that can help in improving your fluency in this Global Language.
- The first rule to learn anything: don’t be afraid to make mistakes:
Embrace the language, start speaking and using it. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Accept the mistakes and correct them if anyone tries to point them out. Unless you walk on the road, you won’t know the path.
- Practice and Practice more:
Make a study plan. Stick to it. Use good study material and practice according to it.
- Read a lot:
Read across different genres. News, current affairs, fiction, non-fiction, books, journals, magazines, anything that you can lay your hands on. Keep a track of your comprehension skills. How many words are you able to read in an hour or the day while properly understanding them. The more you read, the more you comprehend, and the more you learn the new language.
- Watch and listen in English:
Watch movies, interviews, listen to FM, Podcasts. Start with subtitles and then move on to skipping the subtitles. Your concentration and listening skills would improve with this.
- Work on your vocabulary:
There are so many methods to improve your vocab but the core of all of them remains the same: memorize. Maintain flashcards or a journal for all the new words that you come across while practicing; reading, writing, listening. Keep checking them out once in a while and use the words regularly.
- Use Idioms/Phrases:
Phrases and Idioms adorn a language. They just make it a bit more informal and make it more convenient to connect to people. Keep a track of new idioms and phrases just like you do for vocab. Memorize them.
- Think In English:
When you write in English, it’s a common habit to think in your mother tongue and then translate it to English while writing. This method is faulty and we are prone to make mistakes. Not all of our thoughts can find an absolute translation in the other language. Even if they do, do you realize the difference between watching Harry Potter in English and then watching it dubbed in any other language? Guess you got my point. Get so comfortable with English that your mind spins the thoughts in English which you then jot down.
- Make Goals:
Split them into short-term and long-term goals. They can be anything. Like learning a few hundred words in a month or finishing a few novels by end of the week. Don’t forget to reward yourself for completing them.
- Read and Discuss.
Find people with common thoughts and goals. Decide, read about a topic and find time for group discussions once in a while. Extend these planned discussions to unplanned movie and news discussions over coffee or tea breaks. Stick on to English during the course of your discussions.
- Writing down your thoughts is always a good idea.
Start writing in points. Do not worry about grammar. Once you have an outline of your ideas on paper, start expanding them. Write a few paragraphs and then check them for grammar and style. Check them online or get them proofread by a mate. A little further, start posting them on blogs.
Hope these tips were useful in your journey towards embracing English. Along with self-improvement tips, a good guidance always proves a catalyst in your learning journey. SpeakEng India provides an activity-based learning experience and expert guidance. With handpicked expert coaches to guide you, we assure you of flawless English knowledge by the end of your course.