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Online Dutch classes in India

Dutch, the official language of the Netherlands has about 22 million native speakers. It is also spoken in a few other countries such as Belgium, South Africa, and Suriname. 

Dutch can be described as a link between English and German but definitely not a mix of them. While it shares a close vocabulary and grammar with English, it is overall closer to German. Due to its proximity to English, it is probably the easiest language to learn for English speakers.

If you are looking to learn Dutch, Speakeng India provides the best learning experience with activity-based and lively sessions. Expert trainers provide you with not just an easy approach to learning a foreign language but also make you enjoy speaking and accepting a new language. We also have online classes available to help you learn a new language from the comfort of your home. 

You also have the availability of various online courses that you can purchase and learn Dutch at your own pace. 

There are a lot of helpful language learning apps that have taken off in recent years. These apps have inbuilt resources that make language learning easier and more accessible on the go. You can join a traditional classroom course that provides you with study material and always available trainers to guide you, just like Speakeng India. Additionally, you can opt for a few of these apps. These aid your learning by providing you learning flexibility and adding visuals to the lessons that improve the learning grasp. 

-Vaishali Pandey

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